Mips help syscall -

i not understand why when mars runs function prints numbers in array not new line. can me?

stampac:  lw $t6,0($a1)         #stampo c[i] li $v0, 1 move $a0, $t6    syscall  li $v0, 4 la $a0, a_capo syscall  addi $a1,$a1, 4      addi $a3,$a3, 1     #i++  bne $a3, 10, stampac    #continua fino quando i=10 jr $ra 

assuming trying print newline a_capo literal, guess not defining correctly literal.

in .data section should write

a_capo: .asciiz "\n" 

then, snippet should print newline:

  li $v0, 4   la $a0, a_capo   syscall 


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