php - Validate Paypal Live Account -

i validating email address using following code :

$url = trim("");           $api_username = "";  $api_password = "";  $api_signature = ""; $api_appid = "";                                        $api_requestformat = "nv"; $api_responseformat = "nv";  //create request payload  $bodyparams = array (   "requestenvelope.errorlanguage" => "en_us",                         "emailaddress" => $email, // email validate                         "matchcriteria" => "none"                     );  // convert payload array url encoded query string $body_data = http_build_query($bodyparams, "", chr(38));  //create request , add headers $params = array("http" => array(                              "method" => "post",                             "content" => $body_data,                             "header" => "x-paypal-security-userid:     " . $api_username . "\r\n" .                                         "x-paypal-security-signature:  " . $api_signature . "\r\n" .                                         "x-paypal-security-password:   " . $api_password . "\r\n" .                                         "x-paypal-application-id:      " . $api_appid . "\r\n" .                                         "x-paypal-request-data-format: " . $api_requestformat . "\r\n" .                                         "x-paypal-response-data-format:" . $api_responseformat . "\r\n"                     ));   $ctx = stream_context_create($params);  //create stream context $fp = @fopen($url, "r", false, $ctx);   //open stream , send request $response = stream_get_contents($fp);   //get response  //check see if stream open if ($response === false)  { throw new exception("php error message = " . "$php_errormsg"); }  fclose($fp);    //close stream  $keyarray = explode("&", $response);  foreach ($keyarray $rval) { list($qkey, $qval) = explode ("=", $rval);     $karray[$qkey] = $qval; }  if( $karray["responseenvelope.ack"] == "success")  {     // nothing } else  {     // error  } 

however code works sandbox account. changes make validate paypal account. appreciated.

three things

p.s account should business/premier verified account


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