PHP calculate between two time with H:i:s format -

i'm trying find , calculate between startime, finish time as: starttime + 1 hour , current time. if current time between start , finish must print message such please try after 1 hour:

$current_date_time = new datetime("now", new datetimezone("asia/tehran")); $user_current_time = $current_date_time->format("h:i:s");  $start_limit_time = date("h:i:s",strtotime('2015-09-15 14:57:31')); $finish_limit_time = date('h:i:s', strtotime($start_limit_time) + (60 * 60 * 1));  $date1 = datetime::createfromformat('h:i:s', $user_current_time); $date2 = datetime::createfromformat('h:i:s', $start_limit_time); $date3 = datetime::createfromformat('h:i:s', $finish_limit_time); if ($date1 > $date2 && $date1 < $date3) {     echo 'here'; } 

this code not correct , can not fix that,

you can try this, shows difference in minutes:

$current_date_time = new datetime("now", new datetimezone("asia/tehran")); $user_current_time = $current_date_time->format("h:i:s");  $start_limit_time = date("h:i:s",strtotime('2015-09-15 14:57:31')); $finish_limit_time = date('h:i:s', strtotime($start_limit_time) + (60 * 60 * 1));  $date1 = datetime::createfromformat('h:i:s', $user_current_time); $date2 = datetime::createfromformat('h:i:s', $start_limit_time); $date3 = datetime::createfromformat('h:i:s', $finish_limit_time);  if ($date1 > $date2 && $date1 < $date3) {     $tryagainin = $date3->diff( $date1 );      // minutes     echo "try again in ".$tryagainin->format( "%i minutes" );      // or hours , minutes     $hours   = $tryagainin->format('%h');     $minutes = $tryagainin->format('%i');     echo "try again in $hours hours , $minutes minutes"; } 

for more information take at: datetime::diff


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