oracle - Showing Different aggregate for different products -
i want code used generate aggregate product product. product aggregate can year date(ytd), months date(mtd) , quarter date(qtd). user pass parameter on basis code should decide kind of output user wants.
if year passing in parameter code should generate aggregate starting of year sysdate. if quarter no passing in parameter code should generate aggregate starting of quarter sysdate. if month passing in parameter code should generate aggregate starting of month sysdate.
it means on basis of parameter should able decide kind of user want 3. input data this-
product table product_id product_name price 1 mobile 200 2 t.v. 400 3 mixer 300
sales table-
product_id sales_date quantity 1 01-01-2015 30 2 03-01-2015 40 3 06-02-2015 10 1 22-03-2015 30 2 09-04-2015 10 3 21-05-2015 40 1 04-06-2015 40 2 29-07-2015 30 1 31-08-2015 30 3 14-09-2015 30
and ouput column contains 3 columns are- product_id, product_name , total. column total_amount(quantity*price) have calculate sale on basis of input given user , this- example ,
if pro_test procedure call pro_test('ytd') -- should return productwise ytd, call pro_test('qtd') -- should return productwise qtd , on..
you looking where
clause :-) list conditions or
, done.
select p.product_id, p.product_name, coalesce(sum(s.quantity * p.price), 0) total product p left join sales s on s.product_id = p.product_id (:aggregate = 'ytd' , to_char(s.sales_date, 'yyyy') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy')) or (:aggregate = 'mtd' , to_char(s.sales_date, 'yyyymm') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymm')) or (:aggregate = 'qtd' , to_char(s.sales_date, 'yyyyq') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyq')) group p.product_id, p.product_name;
edit: here how corresponding pl/sql function like:
create or replace function matches_date_aggregate(in_sales_date date, in_aggregate char) return integer begin if (in_aggregate = 'ytd' , to_char(in_sales_date, 'yyyy') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy')) or (in_aggregate = 'mtd' , to_char(in_sales_date, 'yyyymm') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymm')) or (in_aggregate = 'qtd' , to_char(in_sales_date, 'yyyyq') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyq')) return 1; else return 0; end if; end matches_date_aggregate;
your query's where
clause become:
where matches_date_aggregate(s.sales_date, :aggregate) = 1
the function cannot return boolean
unfortunately, though oracle's pl/sql knows boolean
data type, oracle sql doesn't.
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