javascript - How to draw multipart geometries in OpenLayers 3? -
ol.interaction.draw has point, linestring, polygon, multipoint, multilinestring, multipolygon , circle type options. couldn't figure out how draw e.g. multipolygon containing several single polygons. here's demo console-logs valid geojson string, however, containing 1 single polygon.
relevant code:
// create draw interaction , add map: drawinteraction = new ol.interaction.draw({ source:vectorsource, type:"multipolygon" }); map.addinteraction(drawinteraction); // define geojson format: var formatgeojson = new ol.format.geojson(); // set listener on "drawend": drawinteraction.on("drawend", function(e) { // feature: var feature = e.feature; // clone feature: var featureclone = feature.clone(); // transform cloned feature wgs84: featureclone.getgeometry().transform('epsg:3857', 'epsg:4326'); // geojson of feature: var geojson = formatgeojson.writefeature(featureclone); // log: console.log(geojson); });
i suggest doing like:
var drawinteraction = new ol.interaction.draw({ source: vectorsource, type: "polygon" }); map.addinteraction(drawinteraction); var multipolygon = new ol.geom.multipolygon([]); drawinteraction.on('drawend', function(e) { var feature = e.feature, poly = feature.getgeometry() ; multipolygon.appendpolygon(poly); updategeojson(); }); function updategeojson(){ var formatgeojson = new ol.format.geojson(), cloned = multipolygon.clone() ; cloned.transform('epsg:3857', 'epsg:4326'); var geojson = formatgeojson.writegeometry(cloned);; }
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