windows - Batch script which moves ".log" files into a new folder based on date -

batch script move .log files of month new folder

move d:\source\log\*.log* d:\destination\log\backup 

here sample move files older n days or dd/mm/yyyy.

but have check in forfiles /? if date format regional.
in case it's dd/mm/yyyy

the following batch match every *.log older 30/08/2015 every 30/08/2015, 29/08/2015, 28/08/2015......01/01/1970 matched.

@echo off set "source=d:\interfaces\clarity_transaction_interface\log" set "destination=d:\interfaces\clarity_transaction_interface\log\backup"  forfiles /d -30/08/2015 /p "%source%" /m *.log /c "cmd /c echo move @path \"%destination%\"" exit /b 


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