typeahead.js - Cannot read property 'tokenizers' of undefined using Typeahead -

i using twitter's "typeahead.js 0.11.1", got error "cannot read property 'tokenizers' of undefined". put code below, please me check did wrong.

paths: {     'jquery'                : 'assets/lib/jquery.min',     'underscore'            : 'assets/lib/underscore-min',              'backbone'              : 'assets/lib/backbone.min',     'marionette'            : 'assets/lib/backbone.marionette.min',     'bootstrap'             : 'assets/lib/bootstrap.min',     'typeahead'             : 'assets/lib/typeahead.bundle.min',        },  shim: {     typeahead:{         deps: ['jquery'],         exports:'bloodhound',         init: function ($) {             return require.s.contexts._.registry['typeahead.js'].factory( $                          );         }     }  } 

marionette's view code below:

    define(['jquery',   'marionette','templates', 'underscore','typeahead'],      function $,marionette, templates, _,bloodhound) {               'use strict';           ..................         onshow:function(){            var tours = new bloodhound({               datumtokenizer: function (datum) {                   return bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(datum.value);               },               querytokenizer: bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,               remote: {                   url: '/api/infos?t=all',               }           });            // initialize bloodhound suggestion engine           tours.initialize();           // instantiate typeahead ui           $('.typeahead').typeahead(null, {               displaykey: 'value',               source: tours.ttadapter()           });      }, 

i had similar issue backbone/marionette , requirejs configuration. important point right, require typeahead.jquery.js , bloodhound.js using separate files. using typeahead.bundle.js , not work. posting after not few hours of frustration.


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