openerp - Can't remove custom Odoo snippet -

i created custom snippet on odoo 8. slideshow component uikit want insert content inside .row bootstrap elements, is, inside snippet. below code. however, when try remove slideshow snippet via website builder (not html editor), still appears after saving. way can remove editing html editor. wrong?

<openerp>     <data>          <template id="snippet_blocks" inherit_id="website.snippets" name="snippet blocks">             <!-- create new group called essentials-->             <xpath expr="div[1]/ul" position="inside">                 <li>                     <a href="#snippet_essentials" data-toggle="tab">essentials</a>                 </li>             </xpath>             <xpath expr="div/div/div[@id='snippet_effect']" position="after">                 <div id="snippet_essentials" class="tab-pane">                     <!-- slideshow snippet -->                     <div class="we_snippet">                         <!-- snippet thumnail-->                         <div class="oe_snippet_thumbnail">                             <img class="oe_snippet_thumbnail_img"                                  src="/sci5_website_essentials/static/img/slideshow.png"/>                             <span class="oe_snippet_thumbnail_title">slideshow</span>                         </div>                         <!-- snippet code insert-->                         <div class="oe_snippet_body we_slideshow col-md-8 mb128">                             <t t-call="sci5_website_essentials.snippet_slideshow"/>                         </div>                     </div>                 </div>             </xpath>         </template>          <template id="snippet_options" inherit_id="website.snippet_options" name="snippet options">             <xpath expr="." position="inside">                 <div data-snippet-option-id='snippet_essentials'                      data-selector=".we_slideshow"                      data-selector-siblings=".row > [class*='col-md-']"                      data-selector-children=".row">                 </div>             </xpath>         </template>      </data> </openerp> 

this snippet body:

<openerp>     <data>          <template id="snippet_slideshow" name="slideshow">             <section class="snippet_slideshow">                 <ul class="uk-slideshow" data-uk-slideshow="{autoplay:true}">                     <li>                         <img src="/website/static/src/img/library/business_conference.jpg"/>                     </li>                     <li>                         <img src="/website/static/src/img/library/gears.png"/>                     </li>                     <li>                         <img src="/website/static/src/img/library/engineer.jpg"/>                     </li>                 </ul>             </section>         </template>       </data> </openerp> 

i solved placing snippet block's template snippets template itself. apparently there problem calling subtemplate.

when drag snippet inside snippet, i'm dragging <t t-call="template_name"> tag snippet. means 1 cannot change template right in dragged editing subtemplate itself, means when dragged other template, changes inherited, , unlikely expected.


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