CryptoSwift, converting objective-c code to swift -

i need convert objective-c code swift using cryptoswift. i'm not sure how use functions like: bzero, getcstring, malloc in swift.

+(nsdata*)encryptdata:(nsdata*)data {     static nsstring *key = @"bitcave012345678";     char keyptr[kcckeysizeaes128+1];     bzero(keyptr, sizeof(keyptr));      [key getcstring:keyptr maxlength:sizeof(keyptr) encoding:nsutf8stringencoding];     nsuinteger datalength = [data length];     size_t buffersize = datalength + kccblocksizeaes128;     void *buffer = malloc(buffersize);      size_t numbytesencrypted = 0;      cccryptorstatus cryptstatus = cccrypt(kccencrypt, kccalgorithmaes128, kccoptionecbmode,                                           keyptr,kcckeysizeaes128,null,[data bytes],datalength,                                           buffer, buffersize, &numbytesencrypted);      if(cryptstatus == kccsuccess)     {         return [nsdata datawithbytesnocopy:buffer length:numbytesencrypted];     }      free(buffer);      return nil; } 

does has idea how satisfy arguments requiring pointers? trying using unsafemutablepointers , tried code below, know wrong:

var key: nsstring = "bitcave012345678"         var keyptr: array<character> = array<character>(count: 17, repeatedvalue: "0")         bzero(&keyptr, 17*sizeof(character))         key.getcstring(&keyptr, maxlength: 17*sizeof(character), encoding: nsutf8stringencoding) 

swift 2.0

it not necessary use bzero, getcstring, malloc, here example not:

add security.framework project
add #import bridging header.

// operation either 'kccencrypt' or 'kccdecrypt' func testcrypt(data data:nsdata, keydata:nsdata, operation:int) -> nsdata? {     let keybytes = unsafepointer<uint8>(keydata.bytes)      let datalength = int(data.length)     let databytes  = unsafepointer<uint8>(data.bytes)      let cryptdata: nsmutabledata! = nsmutabledata(length: int(datalength) + kccblocksizeaes128)     let cryptpointer = unsafemutablepointer<uint8>(cryptdata.mutablebytes)     let cryptlength  = size_t(cryptdata.length)      let keylength              = size_t(kcckeysizeaes128)     let algoritm:  ccalgorithm = uint32(kccalgorithmaes128)     let options:   ccoptions   = uint32(kccoptionecbmode + kccoptionpkcs7padding)      var numbytesencrypted :size_t = 0      let cryptstatus = cccrypt(ccoperation(operation),         algoritm,         options,         keybytes, keylength,         nil,         databytes, datalength,         cryptpointer, cryptlength,         &numbytesencrypted)      if uint32(cryptstatus) == uint32(kccsuccess) {         cryptdata.length = int(numbytesencrypted)      } else {         print("error: \(cryptstatus)")     }      return cryptdata; } 

example usage:

let keydata     = "12345678901234567890123456789012".datausingencoding(nsutf8stringencoding) let messagedata = "don´t try read text. top secret stuff".datausingencoding(nsutf8stringencoding) let encrypted = testcrypt(data:messagedata!, keydata:keydata!, operation:kccencrypt) 

here version in swift arrays of uint8 no nsdata objects:

func testcrypt(data data:[uint8], keydata:[uint8], operation:int) -> [uint8]? {     let keybytes = unsafemutablepointer<uint8>(keydata)      let datalength = data.count     let databytes  = unsafemutablepointer<uint8>(data)      var cryptdata = [uint8](count:data.count+kccblocksizeaes128, repeatedvalue:0)     let cryptpointer = unsafemutablepointer<uint8>(cryptdata)     let cryptlength  = size_t(cryptdata.count)      let keylength              = size_t(kcckeysizeaes128)     let algoritm:  ccalgorithm = uint32(kccalgorithmaes128)     let options:   ccoptions   = uint32(kccoptionecbmode + kccoptionpkcs7padding)      var numbytesencrypted :size_t = 0      let cryptstatus = cccrypt(ccoperation(operation),         algoritm,         options,         keybytes, keylength,         nil,         databytes, datalength,         cryptpointer, cryptlength,         &numbytesencrypted)      if uint32(cryptstatus) == uint32(kccsuccess) {         cryptdata.removerange(numbytesencrypted..<cryptdata.count)      } else {         print("error: \(cryptstatus)")     }      return cryptdata; } 

example usage:

let keydata     = array("12345678901234567890123456789012".utf8) let messagedata = array("don´t try read text. top secret stuff".utf8) let encrypted   = testcrypt(data:messagedata, keydata:keydata, operation:kccencrypt) 


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