excel - Error "User-defined type not defined" -

i using below vba error "user-defined type not defined":

option explicit dim cn adodb.connection   function connect(server string, _                  database string) boolean      set cn = new adodb.connection     on error resume next      cn         ' create connecting string         .connectionstring = "provider=sqloledb.1;" & _                             "integrated security=sspi;" & _                             "server=" & server & ";" & _                             "database=" & database & ";"         ' open connection         .open     end     ' check connection state     if cn.state = 0         connect = false     else         connect = true     end if  end function function query(sql string)      dim rs adodb.recordset     dim field adodb.field      dim col long      ' open recordset / run query     set rs = new adodb.recordset     rs.open sql, cn, adopenstatic, adlockreadonly, adcmdtext      if rs.state         col = 1         ' output column headings in first row         each field in rs.fields             cells(6, col) = field.name             col = col + 1         next field         ' output results in rest of worksheet         cells(7, 1).copyfromrecordset rs         set rs = nothing     end if end function function disconnect()     ' close connection     cn.close end function   private sub generate_click() dim sql string     dim connected boolean     dim server_name string     dim database_name string     dim allocation string      sheets("lsp").select     range("a6").select     selection.currentregion.select     selection.clearcontents       ' our query     sql = "select item_code,item_desc,location,quantity,lot_number,expiry_date " & _       "from pgm_invo " & _       "where system_date = '" & sheets("lsp").range("b1").value & "' " & _       "group segmentation_id,mpg"      ' connect database     server_name = sheets("master").range("d1").value     database_name = sheets("master").range("g1").value     connected = connect(server_name, database_name)      if connected         ' if connected run query , disconnect         call query(sql)         call disconnect     else         ' couldn't connect         msgbox "could not connect!"     end if end sub 

kindly me error.


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