php - Symfony Not able to save manyToOne bidirectional Entity -
i have entity called survey
, have entity called creditcards
linked survey
using manytoone
linked creditcard
using onetomany
the survey has bunch of financial related questions gets saved in survey
table , asks user creditcard related details gets saved in creditcard
table, since user can have more 1 card can add multiple card details , manytoone
, onetomany
comes play.
this creditcard.orm.yml
examplebundle\entity\creditcards: type: entity table: creditcards id: id: type: integer id: true generator: strategy: auto fields: surveyid: type: integer column: survey_id balance: type: integer amountdue: type: integer column: amount_due interestrate: type: integer column: interest_rate manytoone: survey: targetentity: examplebundle\entity\survey inversedby: creditcards joincolumn: name: survey_id referencedcolumnname: id ondelete: cascade lifecyclecallbacks: { }
this creditcard
use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; use doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection; /** * creditcards */ class creditcards { /** * @var integer */ private $id; /** * @var integer */ private $surveyid; /** * @var integer */ private $balance; /** * @var integer */ private $amountdue; /** * @var integer */ private $interestrate; /** * @var \examplebundle\entity\survey */ private $survey; /** * id * * @return integer */ public function getid() { return $this->id; } /** * set surveyid * * @param integer $surveyid * @return integer */ public function setsurveyid($surveyid) { $this->surveyid = $surveyid; return $this; } /** * survey * * @return integer */ public function getsurveyid() { return $this->surveyid; } /** * set balance * * @param integer $balance * @return creditcards */ public function setbalance($balance) { $this->balance = $balance; return $this; } /** * balance * * @return integer */ public function getbalance() { return $this->balance; } /** * set amountdue * * @param integer $amountdue * @return creditcards */ public function setamountdue($amountdue) { $this->amountdue = $amountdue; return $this; } /** * amountdue * * @return integer */ public function getamountdue() { return $this->amountdue; } /** * set interestrate * * @param integer $interestrate * @return creditcards */ public function setinterestrate($interestrate) { $this->interestrate = $interestrate; return $this; } /** * interestrate * * @return integer */ public function getinterestrate() { return $this->interestrate; } /** * set survey * * @param \examplebundle\entity\survey $survey * @return creditcards */ public function setsurvey(\examplebundle\entity\survey $survey = null) { $this->survey = $survey; return $this; } /** * survey * * @return \examplebundle\entity\survey */ public function getsurvey() { return $this->survey; } public function addsurvey(\examplebundle\entity\survey $survey) { $survey->addcreditcard($this); $this->survey->add($survey); } }
this survey.orm.yml
its pretty long remove part of keep related question
examplebundle\entity\survey: type: entity table: survey id: id: type: integer id: true generator: strategy: auto fields: homeloanmonthlyrepayments: type: integer column: home_loan_monthly_repayments nullable: true homeloantotaloutstanding: type: integer column: home_loan_total_outstanding nullable: true carloanmonthlyrepayments: type: integer column: car_loan_monthly_repayments nullable: true carloantotaloutstanding: type: integer column: car_loan_total_outstanding nullable: true personalloanmonthlyrepayments: type: integer column: personal_loan_monthly_repayments nullable: true personalloantotaloutstanding: type: integer column: personal_loan_total_outstanding nullable: true otherloanmonthlyrepayments: type: integer column: other_loan_monthly_repayments nullable: true otherloantotaloutstanding: type: integer column: other_loan_total_outstanding nullable: true userid: type: integer column: user_id nullable: true onetoone: user: targetentity: userbundle\entity\user inversedby: survey joincolumn: name: user_id referencedcolumnname: id onetomany: creditcards: targetentity: examplebundle\entity\creditcards mappedby: survey lifecyclecallbacks: { }
this survey
use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; use userbundle\entity\user; use doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection; /** * survey */ class survey { /** * @var integer */ private $id; /** * id * * @return integer */ public function getid() { return $this->id; } /** * set homeloanmonthlyrepayments * * @param integer $homeloanmonthlyrepayments * @return survey */ public function sethomeloanmonthlyrepayments($homeloanmonthlyrepayments) { $this->homeloanmonthlyrepayments = $homeloanmonthlyrepayments; return $this; } /** * homeloanmonthlyrepayments * * @return integer */ public function gethomeloanmonthlyrepayments() { return $this->homeloanmonthlyrepayments; } /** * set homeloantotaloutstanding * * @param integer $homeloantotaloutstanding * @return survey */ public function sethomeloantotaloutstanding($homeloantotaloutstanding) { $this->homeloantotaloutstanding = $homeloantotaloutstanding; return $this; } /** * homeloantotaloutstanding * * @return integer */ public function gethomeloantotaloutstanding() { return $this->homeloantotaloutstanding; } /** * set carloanmonthlyrepayments * * @param integer $carloanmonthlyrepayments * @return survey */ public function setcarloanmonthlyrepayments($carloanmonthlyrepayments) { $this->carloanmonthlyrepayments = $carloanmonthlyrepayments; return $this; } /** * carloanmonthlyrepayments * * @return integer */ public function getcarloanmonthlyrepayments() { return $this->carloanmonthlyrepayments; } /** * set carloantotaloutstanding * * @param integer $carloantotaloutstanding * @return survey */ public function setcarloantotaloutstanding($carloantotaloutstanding) { $this->carloantotaloutstanding = $carloantotaloutstanding; return $this; } /** * carloantotaloutstanding * * @return integer */ public function getcarloantotaloutstanding() { return $this->carloantotaloutstanding; } /** * set personalloanmonthlyrepayments * * @param integer $personalloanmonthlyrepayments * @return survey */ public function setpersonalloanmonthlyrepayments($personalloanmonthlyrepayments) { $this->personalloanmonthlyrepayments = $personalloanmonthlyrepayments; return $this; } /** * personalloanmonthlyrepayments * * @return integer */ public function getpersonalloanmonthlyrepayments() { return $this->personalloanmonthlyrepayments; } /** * set personalloantotaloutstanding * * @param integer $personalloantotaloutstanding * @return survey */ public function setpersonalloantotaloutstanding($personalloantotaloutstanding) { $this->personalloantotaloutstanding = $personalloantotaloutstanding; return $this; } /** * personalloantotaloutstanding * * @return integer */ public function getpersonalloantotaloutstanding() { return $this->personalloantotaloutstanding; } /** * set otherloanmonthlyrepayments * * @param integer $otherloanmonthlyrepayments * @return survey */ public function setotherloanmonthlyrepayments($otherloanmonthlyrepayments) { $this->otherloanmonthlyrepayments = $otherloanmonthlyrepayments; return $this; } /** * otherloanmonthlyrepayments * * @return integer */ public function getotherloanmonthlyrepayments() { return $this->otherloanmonthlyrepayments; } /** * set otherloantotaloutstanding * * @param integer $otherloantotaloutstanding * @return survey */ public function setotherloantotaloutstanding($otherloantotaloutstanding) { $this->otherloantotaloutstanding = $otherloantotaloutstanding; return $this; } /** * otherloantotaloutstanding * * @return integer */ public function getotherloantotaloutstanding() { return $this->otherloantotaloutstanding; } /** * @var integer */ private $userid; /** * set userid * * @param integer $userid * @return survey */ public function setuserid($userid) { $this->userid = $userid; return $this; } /** * userid * * @return integer */ public function getuserid() { return $this->userid; } /** * @var \userbundle\entity\user */ private $user; /** * @var \exampletbundle\entity\creditcards */ private $creditcards; /** * set user * * @param \userbundle\entity\user $user * @return survey */ public function setuser(user $user) { $this->user = $user; return $this; } /** * user * * @return \userbundle\entity\user */ public function getuser() { return $this->user; } public function __tostring() { return (string) $this->getuser(); } /** * constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->creditcards = new arraycollection(); } /** * add creditcards * * @param \exampletbundle\entity\creditcards $creditcards * @return survey */ public function addcreditcard(\examplebundle\entity\creditcards $creditcards) { if (!$this->creditcards->contains($creditcards)) { $this->creditcards->add($creditcards); } return $this; } /** * remove creditcards * * @param \exampletbundle\entity\creditcards $creditcards */ public function removecreditcard(\examplebundle\entity\creditcards $creditcards) { $this->creditcards->removeelement($creditcards); } /** * creditcards * * @return \doctrine\common\collections\collection */ public function getcreditcards() { return $this->creditcards; } }
the form gets called in controller , passed twig
use symfony\component\form\abstracttype; use symfony\component\form\formbuilderinterface; use symfony\component\optionsresolver\optionsresolver; class debttype extends abstracttype { /** * @param formbuilderinterface $builder * @param array $options */ public function buildform(formbuilderinterface $builder, array $options) { $builder ->add('homeloanmonthlyrepayments') ->add('homeloantotaloutstanding') ->add('carloanmonthlyrepayments') ->add('carloantotaloutstanding') ->add('personalloanmonthlyrepayments') ->add('personalloantotaloutstanding') ->add('otherloanmonthlyrepayments') ->add('otherloantotaloutstanding') ->add('creditcards', 'collection', array('type' => new creditcardstype(), 'allow_add' => true, 'by_reference' => false, )); } /** * @param optionsresolver $resolver */ public function configureoptions(optionsresolver $resolver) { $resolver->setdefaults(array( 'data_class' => 'examplebundle\entity\survey' )); } /** * @return string */ public function getname() { return 'examplebundle_debt'; } }
finally debtaction
processes form , tries save data
public function debtaction(request $request){ $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager(); //get user id of logged in user $userid = $this->getuser()->getid(); //get survey object of logged in user $userexpensesinfo = $em->getrepository('examplebundle:survey')->findonebyuserid($userid); $form = $this->createform(new debttype(), $userexpensesinfo); $form->handlerequest($request); if($request->ismethod('post')){ if($form->isvalid()){ $userexpensesinfo->setexpensefood($form->get('homeloanmonthlyrepayments')->getdata()); $userexpensesinfo->setexpensefood($form->get('homeloantotaloutstanding')->getdata()); $userexpensesinfo->setexpensehousing($form->get('carloanmonthlyrepayments')->getdata()); $userexpensesinfo->setexpensetransport($form->get('carloantotaloutstanding')->getdata()); $userexpensesinfo->setexpensefun($form->get('personalloanmonthlyrepayments')->getdata()); $userexpensesinfo->setexpenseclothing($form->get('personalloantotaloutstanding')->getdata()); $userexpensesinfo->setexpenseutil($form->get('otherloanmonthlyrepayments')->getdata()); $userexpensesinfo->setexpensepersonal($form->get('otherloantotaloutstanding')->getdata()); $userexpensesinfo->getcreditcards()->add($form->get('creditcards')->getdata()); $em->flush(); $this->get('session')->getflashbag()->add( 'notice', 'your loan information has been saved' ); return $this->render('examplebundle:default/dashboard:debt.html.twig', array( 'form'=>$form->createview(), )); } } return $this->render('examplebundle:default/dashboard:debt.html.twig', array( 'form'=>$form->createview(), )); }
i have gone through step step through this article cant save work, when try save error get
a new entity found through relationship 'examplebundle\entity\survey#creditcards' not configured cascade persist operations entity: examplebundle\entity\creditcards@000000001bbd76da000000008bbf1e28. solve issue: either explicitly call entitymanager#persist() on unknown entity or configure cascade persist association in mapping example @manytoone(..,cascade={"persist"}). if cannot find out entity causes problem implement 'examplebundle\entity\creditcards#__tostring()' clue. 500 internal server error - orminvalidargumentexception
the article refereed above talk @ this section, followed instruction , no matter cant passed error. on 6 hours trying solve , cant think straight more.
i appreciate if can here on this.
imports: - { resource: parameters.yml } - { resource: security.yml } - { resource: services.yml } # put parameters here don't need change on each machine app deployed # parameters: locale: en framework: #esi: ~ translator: { fallbacks: ["%locale%"] } secret: "%secret%" router: resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing.yml" strict_requirements: ~ form: ~ csrf_protection: ~ validation: { enable_annotations: true } #serializer: { enable_annotations: true } templating: engines: ['twig'] #assets_version: someversionscheme default_locale: "%locale%" trusted_hosts: ~ trusted_proxies: ~ session: # handler_id set null use default session handler php.ini handler_id: ~ fragments: ~ http_method_override: true # twig configuration twig: debug: "%kernel.debug%" strict_variables: "%kernel.debug%" # assetic configuration assetic: debug: "%kernel.debug%" use_controller: false bundles: [ examplebundle ] #java: /usr/bin/java filters: cssrewrite: ~ #closure: # jar: "%kernel.root_dir%/resources/java/compiler.jar" #yui_css: # jar: "%kernel.root_dir%/resources/java/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar" # doctrine configuration doctrine: dbal: driver: pdo_mysql host: "%database_host%" port: "%database_port%" dbname: "%database_name%" user: "%database_user%" password: "%database_password%" charset: utf8 # if using pdo_sqlite database driver: # 1. add path in parameters.yml # e.g. database_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/data/data.db3" # 2. uncomment database_path in parameters.yml.dist # 3. uncomment next line: # path: "%database_path%" orm: auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%" naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore auto_mapping: true # swiftmailer configuration swiftmailer: transport: "%mailer_transport%" host: "%mailer_host%" username: "%mailer_user%" password: "%mailer_password%" spool: { type: memory }
you'll need add cascade: ["persist"]
onetomany mapping in survey yaml.
and way: class names should singular , capitalized.
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