visual c++ - error C2664: 'int LSexecuteScriptLng(void *,const char *) -
// salam001dlg.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "salam001.h" #include "salam001dlg.h" #include "dlgproxy.h" #include "afxdialogex.h" #ifdef _debug #define new debug_new #endif // csalam001dlg dialog implement_dynamic(csalam001dlg, cdialogex); csalam001dlg::csalam001dlg(cwnd* pparent /*=null*/) : cdialogex(csalam001dlg::idd, pparent) { m_hicon = afxgetapp()->loadicon(idr_mainframe); m_pautoproxy = null; } csalam001dlg::~csalam001dlg() { // if there automation proxy dialog, set // pointer dialog null, knows // dialog has been deleted. if (m_pautoproxy != null) m_pautoproxy->m_pdialog = null; } void csalam001dlg::dodataexchange(cdataexchange* pdx) { cdialogex::dodataexchange(pdx); } begin_message_map(csalam001dlg, cdialogex) on_wm_close() on_wm_paint() on_wm_querydragicon() end_message_map() // csalam001dlg message handlers bool csalam001dlg::oninitdialog() { cdialogex::oninitdialog(); // set icon dialog. framework automatically // when application's main window not dialog seticon(m_hicon, true); // set big icon seticon(m_hicon, false); // set small icon // todo: add initialization here return true; // return true unless set focus control } // if add minimize button dialog, need code below // draw icon. mfc applications using document/view model, // automatically done framework. void csalam001dlg::onpaint() { if (isiconic()) { cpaintdc dc(this); // device context painting sendmessage(wm_iconerasebkgnd, reinterpret_cast<wparam>(dc.getsafehdc()), 0); // center icon in client rectangle int cxicon = getsystemmetrics(sm_cxicon); int cyicon = getsystemmetrics(sm_cyicon); crect rect; getclientrect(&rect); int x = (rect.width() - cxicon + 1) / 2; int y = (rect.height() - cyicon + 1) / 2; // draw icon dc.drawicon(x, y, m_hicon); } else { cdialogex::onpaint(); } } // system calls function obtain cursor display while user drags // minimized window. hcursor csalam001dlg::onquerydragicon() { return static_cast<hcursor>(m_hicon); } // automation servers should not exit when user closes ui // if controller still holds on 1 of objects. these // message handlers make sure if proxy still in use, // ui hidden dialog remains around if // dismissed. void csalam001dlg::onclose() { if (canexit()) cdialogex::onclose(); } void csalam001dlg::onok() {////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int nerror, npointersnow; double dstatus, dn_mu, dsol_inv, dsol_rot; cstring csscript, cs; // user's staffing requirements our dialog box //updatedata(); // load staffing requirements lingo transfer array. // lingo uses double precision values. dn_mu = 5.0; //n_mu[0] = (double)n_mu; // create lingo environment object plsenvlingo plingo; plingo = lscreateenvlng(); if (!plingo) { afxmessagebox(_t("unable create lingo environment")); return; } // open lingo's log file nerror = lsopenlogfilelng(plingo, "c:\\lingo8\\lingo.log"); if (nerror) goto errorexit; // pass memory transfer pointers lingo // @pointer(1) nerror = lssetpointerlng(plingo, &dn_mu, &npointersnow); if (nerror) goto errorexit; // @pointer(2) nerror = lssetpointerlng(plingo, &dsol_inv, &npointersnow); if (nerror) goto errorexit; // @pointer(3) /* nerror = lssetpointerlng(plingo, &dsol_rot, &npointersnow); if (nerror) goto errorexit; */ // @pointer(3) nerror = lssetpointerlng(plingo, &dstatus, &npointersnow); if (nerror) goto errorexit; // here script want lingo run csscript = l"set echoin 1\n"; csscript = csscript + l"take \\salam002\\lingo1-3.lng\n" ; csscript = csscript + l"go\n"; csscript = csscript + l"quit\n"; // run script dstatus = -1.e0; nerror = lsexecutescriptlng(plingo, ( lpctstr ) csscript); // close log file lscloselogfilelng(plingo); // problems? if (nerror || dstatus) { // had problem afxmessagebox( _t("unable solve!")); } else { // went ok ... load results dialog box // m_csstartmon.format("%d", (int)dstart[0]); updatedata(false); } goto exit; errorexit: cs.format(_t("lingo errorcode: %d"), nerror); afxmessagebox(cs); return; exit: lsdeleteenvlng(plingo); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } void csalam001dlg::oncancel() { if (canexit()) cdialogex::oncancel(); } bool csalam001dlg::canexit() { // if proxy object still around, automation // controller still holding on application. leave // dialog around, hide ui. if (m_pautoproxy != null) { showwindow(sw_hide); return false; } return true; }
i need fix problem in following line :
nerror = lsexecutescriptlng(plingo, ( lpctstr ) csscript);
the error message :
error c2664: 'int lsexecutescriptlng(void *,const char )' : cannot convert argument 2 'lpctstr' 'const char
please me.
it means says: cannot convert 2-byte-character one-byte character. need declare , use of char
variables. since project settings set unicode, tchar
map char
, , cstring
map cstringw
. have options:
- declare needed variables
(or derivation ofchar
, examplecstringa
) - (not advised) change project settings use multi-byte.
- don't ever forcefully type cast it. forcing
- wont work!
see this article
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